Noise screens

Modern highways are a source of noise of rather a high frequency rate (ranging from 63 to 8000 Hz) that significantly exceeds the acceptable sanitary and hygienic norms for surrounding areas. There are a lot of scientific works on the issue of the harm of noise loads for living forms; therefore noise screens within populated places, recreation spacesand other adjacent inhabited areas are compulsory.
Euroformat Company has developed and manufactures noise screens for highways protection in accordance with the Technical Specifications ТУУ 28.1 -32453930-005:2009 “Euroformat Noise Screens” that successfully passed mechanical and acoustic tests.
While developing the noise screens the experts of the Company followed requirements of the national norms for wind loads in different regions and European norms (EN 14388:2005, EN 14389:2004, EN 1794-1:2003, EN 1794-2:2003); they also cooperated with national and foreign scientists and industry experts.
Considering the laws of acoustic waves propagation, the effective noise screen needs a properly performed acoustic project that defines geometric dimensions, configuration and location of the screens.
The structure and its efficiency
Noise barrier is a structure composed of:
– foundation;
– metal supports;
– acoustic structural elements;
– seals and fasteners.
By functionality, the noise barriers are divided into two types – noise reflective (transparent and non-transparent) and noise absorbing (non-transparent, with a mineral wool filling) systems.
Taking into account the laws of sound wave propagation, you need to consider a number of requirements and conditions which are to be observed in order to provide the most efficient noise barrier:
1. Acoustic design
– correct acoustic calculations to determine the geometric dimensions, configuration and location of barriers;
2. Construction design
– according to the requirements of acoustic design for the barrier geometry taking into account the geology, geodesy and wind region norms, an economical version of the foundation should be developed;
3. Using of high-quality structural elements
– mandatory anti-corrosion protection for all metal parts;
– acoustic elements in the barrier structure should have an acoustic insulation factor not less than 24 dBA;
4. Installation
– correct installation is an important factor under assembly of barrier structure;
– avoid discontinuity in the barrier body (the exception – using of additional acoustic barriers), cracks and gaps both in the structure itself, and between the structure and the roadbed.
Noise Barrier Screens
The main structural unit is a noise barrier panel. The panel is made of galvanized metal from 0.7 to 1.2 mm thick and laterit is coated with a polymeric coating (any colour according to RAL). The noise barrier panel may have no perforations or may have a perforated front side that increases the absorption ability (absorption factor). The panel has the shape of a box and is filled with mineral wool (with density ranging from 75 to 175kg/m3) in a waterproof film.
Reflective Noise Screen
The main structural unit is a reflective sound case manufactured of acrylic glass or monolithic polycarbonate (with a fatigue limit not less than 60MPa and a light-transmitting ability not less than 88%). Due to the high light-transmitting ability the reflective noise screens allow surveying and prevent from the tunneling effect.
Combined Screens
The construction includes noise barrier panels combined with reflective sound boxes.
Main advantages:
- High operating characteristics, construction durability.
- Simple and rapid assembly of the construction.
- Maximum possible noise protection effectiveness.
- Integrated turnkey filling of order
Using of noise barriers to reduce a noise of process equipment
Contact Manager
Road equipment
Telefon: +38 044 494-35-38
Faks: +38 044 495-23-36
Kiev, Ukraine, 04073,
Kurenevskaya str., 21 “G”
Euroformat EU
Tel: +48 61 22 34 159
Fax: +48 61 44 85 515
Ul. Gen. Tadeusha Kucheby 16G/135
61-719 Poznan